Hawk Vision is conducting impact evaluation of the Nangarhar Valley Development Authority (NVDA) project with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Ministry of Economy (MoEc). For the evaluation, Hawk Vision conducted data collection phase in Nangarhar province.

Detail of NVDA
Nangarhar Valley Development Authority (NVDA) is an irrigation infrastructure project. NVDA project is one of the components of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded program of Water Resources Development Investment Program (WRDIP). NVDA Improvement component is an irrigation project implemented by Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) with allotted budget of $25 million (Additional budget $6.49 million). It has mix of about 22,000 hectares of private and publicly managed irrigated land plus a range of agriculture related facilities based on the former Soviet collective farm model. The project is designed to finance rehabilitation and upgrading (R&U) of the existing irrigation system, and development of new irrigation and water resources infrastructure.