KMDP – Mid-term evaluation

KMDP – Mid-term evaluation

Hawk Vision is implementing mid-term evaluation of the Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the Ministry of Economy (MoEc). For the evaluation, Hawk Vision conducted data collection phase in more than 15 districts of Kabul city.

Details of KMDP:
The Kabul Municipality is responsible for implementing Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) on behalf of the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The primary focus of the KMDP is to increase access to basic municipal services in selected residential areas of Kabul City and strengthen municipal finance management of Kabul Municipality.
The Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) is expected to benefit over one million people throughout the capital city through services provided in some 3,020 hectares of government-owned land. To date, more than 530,000 people have benefited directly and over 200,000 indirectly, including students and staff of several schools and institutions of higher education. About three quarters of the beneficiaries are women and children.

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