Baseline Survey Intervention Zones of NHLP (East, North East, North and West Zones). Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Afghanistan

Baseline Survey Intervention Zones of NHLP (East, North East, North and West Zones). Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Afghanistan

In this survey and research project the technical team of Hawk Vision was assigned and responsible to: • Design, develop, survey tools for 6500 households in 100 districts and 23 provinces. • Train the survey enumerators on the tools, project objectives and other project related activities • Fill the questionnaires and conduct the survey i.e. 500 Focus Groups Discussion (FGD), 500 Key Informants Interviews (KII). • Develop survey presentations • Prepare reports for different regions respectively.

Thanks !

Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !