Modernization of Property Deeds and Land Records Project Phase II (Digitization). Project Donor : HARAKAT Department for International Development (DFID) UK Aid

Modernization of Property Deeds and Land Records Project Phase II (Digitization). Project Donor : HARAKAT Department for International Development (DFID) UK Aid

Modernization of Property Deeds and Land Records Project Phase II (Digitization)

Project Donor : HARAKAT Department for International Development (DFID) UK Aid

Project Applicant : The Supreme Court of Afghanistan Implemented

By : Hawk Vision-Afghanistan Timeline : December 2014 – February 2016



Until recently, property deed records in Afghanistan were not kept on a centralized registry. This put investors at risk of fraudulent transactions, competing claims and forced eviction.

Hawk Vision has Created a secure and efficient system for management of land records through a secured property registration system with reduced transaction costs to lower risk for investors and, therefore, increase investment.

Hawk Vision trained 125 staff members of the Supreme Courts and High Courts from 12 provincial courts to use Data Registry Archive Conversion System DRACS, the new digitization Software developed by Thomson Reuters, customized and translated by Hawk Vision to local languages. Completed renovation of one office per province in the following 12 provinces: Kabul, Parwan, Panjshir, Baghlan, Konduz, Mazar, Laghman, Jalalabad, Kunar, Paktia, Logar and Herat. The office spaces are located in the provincial courts and used for digitization of current and new deeds. Hired 180 staff members for cleaning and digitizing 1.4 million property records and deeds.

Key Achievements:

• Now property records and deeds can be retrieved more quickly. The registration processes are faster and duplication is prevented.

• Now the cost and space required for storing property records and deeds have decreased.

• Now the time and resources required for administrative processes and printing alternate copies are reduced.

• Cleaned 500,000 deeds in the Supreme Court and Kabul Makhzan.

• Digitized 467,000 new deeds in 12 provinces.

• Now the digitization system provides efficient and reliable disaster recovery methods.

• Now the system offers access to deed-related data, improves their distribution to authorized parties and enhances consistencies of the deeds’ records.



Thanks !

Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !